Preparing for an AI Powered Future

June 15th / Atlanta, GA

The AI Opportunity Summit is designed to shift the discourse around AI to focus on the opportunities these technologies create and the problems they can solve.  We will be offering attendees:

  1. Inspiration and insights from leaders in A.I. and Culture

  2. In-Depth workshops and skills trainings to make use of A.I. for education, work, and creativity

  3. Networking in an emerging field with other dreamers, builders, organizations, and companies

Attendance at the AI Opportunity Summit will be FREE and registration will be launching soon.

Our Mission

Dream Machine is bringing together leaders across sectors in a shared commitment to create access for all to the best outcomes that AI has to offer. This AI Opportunity Summit will convene leadership in technology, policy, business and education in a shared commitment to ensuring that the benefits of AI are widely distributed and accessible to all.

The Summit will gather 800 students, young professionals, entrepreneurs and cultural influencers to ignite a broad-based movement towards engaging with AI technologies—not just as consumers but as contributors and innovators. By doing so, we aim to empower a diverse new generation to shape and benefit from AI's future.

Partner With Us

  • The A.I. Opportunity Summit will be an incredible opportunity to get your brand in front of an engaged community of tech savvy practitioners. Click below to download our sponsorship guide.

  • We’ll send you a communication toolkit as we get closer to the event so that you can share details with your community.

  • Bring 20-50 and provide travel stipends for them if needed.

  • Support our programming with your wisdom by facilitating a workshop. Use the “become a partner” button below to submit your workshop proposal.